Here are the top five articles that subscribers of the Accounting Apps newsletter clicked on the most during the week commencing the 30th of January of 2022.
7 Exemplary Business Workflow Examples | (Glass Cubes)
Business workflows and processes are operational necessities. Without them, employees will complete tasks in whatever way they see fit, which will undoubtedly be different from how others complete the same tasks. This workflow chaos leads to inconsistent outcomes and unpredictable results. If you’re unsure about what it takes to create consistent, effective workflows, check out this guide on workflow management. Or keep reading to see some exemplary workflow examples from business leaders across various industries to get some inspiration for your own.
How Bookkeepers Are Onboarding More Clients, With Less Stress | (XBert)
As a Certified Bookkeeping Consultant and owner of First Class Account Doncaster, Sumi Sivilingam ‘s priority has always been maintaining excellent business records and customer satisfaction. Her passion for helping people and their businesses grow and succeed saw her bookkeeping consultancy grow to a point where she needed to hire staff. Sumi was concerned about maintaining consistent…